2012 Pledge to Lose

January is our PLEDGE to LOSE Monthly Award.  This year the very first weigh-in of the new year will be included in your Pledge to Lose pounds during the month of January. 

So think about it.  Before your first weigh-in of the year, you must give Marcia your pledged amount of pounds you wish to remove in the first month of the new year.  Be realistic yet challenged.  You must weigh-in to get back on the straight track to your goal.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The holidays continue.
We will be stronger!

Best Loser: CAROL S.
Wise: Portion Control
Unwise: Desserts

November Statistics:
The chapter had a BIG LOSS!!!
November Best Loser: MARCIA!!!
(She's really not unhappy!)

Joanna has returned to her KOPS status!!!

She joined Cindy and visiting KOPS Nellie for the KOPS Pledge!

Poker Contest Winners:
1st Place: Cindy - $6.50
2nd Place: Joanna - $3.90
3rd Place: Carol S. - $2.60

Happy Holidays to All!
See you next year!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The holidays are upon us...
As is the food we ate.

Best Loser: Linda L.!!!
Wise: Exercise
Unwise: Cheese

Holiday Party:
December 8, 6:00pm
Grecian Gardens

12 Ways to Survive a Holiday Eating Frenzy
(See article below)

12 Healthy Ways to Survive a Holiday Eating Frenzy

12 Healthy Ways to Survive a Holiday Eating Frenzy
(c) The Right Chef - Immuno Laboratories, Inc. 
SOURCE: http://www.pivotaladvisor.com/public/273.cfm

Healthy Eating for the Holiday Season

As the majority of us know only too well, any attempt at healthy eating goes sailing out of the window during the holiday season. We tend to conveniently forget about our health and diet, and instead, take the opportunity to over-indulge in every way possible. 

According to a recent Weight Watchers report, the average American gains around 7-10 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. This is through pure over-indulgence and gluttony. Moreover, much of this weight is maintained from thereon despite our promises (as we help ourselves to another dollop of pudding) to go on a diet in January. 

It is not hard to understand why people fall into such bad habits during the holiday season. Everywhere you go there is somebody waiting to thrust a glass of wine or a box of chocolates in front of you. Surely it would be rude to refuse? And, anyway, it is the holidays... Your trip to the local supermarket turns into an adventure. You find yourself in a maze of aisles displaying a range of colorful, tempting goodies that are excitingly packaged and screaming at you to buy them and eat them... Even visits to friends and family are unsafe. You suddenly find the table laden with all manner of goodies, and as you hear the wine bottle cork being popped in the kitchen you resign yourself to the fact that you might as well give in.

All this, coupled with the huge dinners, parties, and festivities of the holiday season makes maintaining control a huge challenge. Healthy eating is a national obsession for the better part of the year. Yet, as soon as Thanksgiving rears its over-indulgent head, the obsession swings the other way as the nation attempts to buy and eat as much unhealthy, rich food as possible.

Food and festivity will always be a major part of the holiday season - and there is certainly nothing wrong in that. However, the holiday season is also a stressful time for many of us, and we need plenty of energy and stamina to cope with it. It is therefore essential that we eat the right type of food with the necessary nutrients to give us energy and reduce stress levels. This is not to say that we shouldn't allow ourselves to indulge a little, but we should eat in moderation and maintain a varied diet.

Jeffrey Rubin, M.D. at the University of Arizona's College of Medicine, states: "The main rule to remember is moderation..." With regards to the rich foods that we consume over this period, he adds: "...Try to balance these items with regular servings of fruit and vegetables..."

If we allow ourselves to lose control completely over the holiday season, there is a high risk that we will continue to eat unhealthily long after the holiday season has gone. Falling into the trap of unhealthy eating is a hard habit to break. Despite millions of New Year's resolutions that are made each year regarding our diets, many people never get around to breaking the habit at all. 

In fact, researchers at Washington University have reported that only around 22% of New Year's diet resolutions make it to February.

Tips on eating healthily during the holiday season Being health-conscious doesn't necessarily mean that you can't enjoy the holiday season and have a little bit of what you fancy. It simply means that you should continue to be vigilant and be prepared for the festivities.

There are many ways in which you can help to strike a balance between maintaining a healthy diet and joining in with the fun and festivities.

1. Exercise: Most people have a little extra time available over the holiday season when they are not at work. Take this opportunity to develop a regular exercise regime. This will help to burn off the excess calories and fat consumed over this period. It will also get you into the habit of exercising, and you can continue the regime after the holiday season is over.

2. Review your cooking methods: These days there is no excuse for not utilizing the many healthy ways in which food can be prepared. Instead of frying, grill your food. If you're roasting, use one of the many available low-calorie spray oils. Try steaming vegetables to retain nutrients and flavor.

3. Invest in lower fat ingredients for cooking: If you're preparing a big dinner, why not use half-fat ingredients whenever possible? It is often difficult to tell the difference where taste and flavor are concerned. You can even get low-calorie beers, wines and soft drinks. By simply swapping regular ingredients, foods and drinks for their half-fat alternatives you can make a big cut-back on fat and calorie consumption.

4. Eat regularly: If you are going to a big party or dinner, don't starve yourself all day in anticipation. You're in danger of arriving there feeling ravenous and eating everything in sight. Instead, have some low-fat, healthy snacks throughout the day. By doing this, you'll be less likely to over-indulge whilst you are out. 

5. Prepare for outings: If you have some big nights out and meals planned over the holiday season, try and compensate by having some healthy eating days leading up to the event. Many of us are only too keen to think that we may as well forget about healthy eating over the holidays. However, it should not be a case of forgetting about your diet, but simply managing it a little more carefully over the holidays.

6. Balance your meals out: Don't be tempted to fill up your plate with purely rich, calorie-laden food. Instead, have a little of everything including fruit and vegetables. This way, you'll still get to indulge as well as receive valuable nutrients and vitamins.

7. Be wary of sugary foods: Always remember that rich, sugary foods have a nasty habit of making us crave yet more rich and sugary foods. We've all been there...over-indulging in sweet or rich food...feeling bloated, sick, and making rash promises to never eat again...and, a couple of hours later, finding ourselves back in the kitchen, picking at leftovers. By ensuring that you practise healthy eating over the holidays, and throw in some form of regular exercise, you can expect to have more energy and fewer cravings.

8. Stock up on healthy snacks: When you go shopping, be sure to throw some healthy snacking items in to your trolley. Fill up on raw vegetables, such as carrots or celery, which can make a simple snack in times of temptation.

9. Be aware of food allergies: It is quite possible that you may have an allergy or intolerance to a food, which you may not even be aware of. Because there is a mountain of food waiting around every corner during the holiday season, we sometimes find ourselves gorging on food that we don't even know the ingredients of. Then we wonder why we're feeling so ill the next morning! By having a food allergy test, you can identify any foods that you need to avoid during the holiday season in order to maintain your health and enjoy the festivities without suffering.

10. Moderate alcohol intake: Don't forget that alcohol is fattening too. That innocent-looking glass of sparkly wine or that small bottle of beer may look as though it will do no harm. However, alcohol contains calories and lots of them. Try and control the amount of alcohol you consume over the holiday period and, in the same way as food, try not to over-indulge regularly. There are plenty of lower-calorie beers and wines available that can help, so opt for the healthier version whenever possible.

11. Be assertive: Don't feel as though you have to say yes to everyone that offers you food and drink. If you are not hungry, then simply say so. Do not let yourself be bullied into eating something that you really don't want.

12. Leave what you don't want: Despite what your parents may have drummed into you as a child, don't feel obliged to clear your plate. When you feel full, stop eating. Simple.

William Connor, M.D., who is Professor of Medicine at OHSU School of Medicine, states that: "The overall clinical impression is that people, after the holidays, weigh more than before because of feasting and lack of physical activity." 

Professor Connor goes on to recommend the following: use low-fat recipes; eat smaller portion sizes; use a small plate to regulate food portions; and exercise regularly and even more so when eating high-fat foods. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011


No weigh-in.
No meeting.
See you on December 1st!

A Survival Guide to Holiday Eating

Source: http://www.netnutritionist.com/fa11.htm
A Survival Guide to Holiday Eating
by Gay Riley, MS, RD, CCN
Here’s some scary food for thought: to gain five pounds from now to the end of January, all you have to do is eat an average of 200 calories per day more than you need -- an ounce of fudge here, an ounce of gravy there, some pecan pie. If you need to ‘get a grip’ on eating splurges, the winter holiday months are key to your long range planning. The holidays typically encourage people to indulge in high-fat, high-calorie foods that are low in nutrients, and this is also the time we’re most likely to make excuses for skipping exercise.
One of the most significant diet dangers revolves around sugar consumption. Problems arise from riding on a sugar roller coaster. When you binge on sugar, you crave more and more and your body slows down. Along with sunlight deprivation, sugar binges cause a drop in serotonin, a chemical in the brain that regulates sleep and appetite. A lack of serotonin is often associated with depression. When you’re deprived of serotonin, you won’t feel calm and in control.
To help boost your serotonin level naturally, eat small but frequent meals that include complex, starchy veggies. You can also help control blood sugar levels by eating small quantities of protein three times a day. For example, eat two egg whites in the morning, some turkey at lunch and a small portion of grilled fish at night.
You should keep up your regular exercise during the holidays and accept no excuses. When endorphins are high, you’ll cope better with stress, and regular exercise boosts endorphins.
Here are some other holiday survival tips:
  • Exercise an hour a day during the holidays. Exercise to burn calories, relieve stress, and elevate your endorphins and mood such as a brisk walk, run, or bike-ride.
  • Avoid eating no fat. Eating moderate amounts of fat during the holidays will satiate the appetite and prevent overeating of carbs (about 35-65 grams per day will be sufficient for most people.)
  • Don’t skip meals. Hunger and low blood sugar lead to overeating.
  • Don’t pass up favorite foods or deprive yourself completely. Moderate consumption is the key.
  • Don’t tempt yourself by keeping trigger foods or comfort foods around the house. If you have them, it certainly increases the likelihood that you will overeat.
  • Plan meals by keeping in mind the demands you’ll have on your schedule that day.
  • Don’t go to a party starving. Before you leave home, eat something light or drink a protein shake. Also drink a great deal of water the day of the party.
  • When you attend holiday festivities, don’t station yourself near the buffet table. Make a clear-cut decision to distance yourself from all goodies.
  • Alcoholic beverages pack on the calories so if you’re drinking alcohol, stick to light beer or a champagne spritzer.
  • If you do find yourself feeling depressed, soothe your spirit with a massage, manicure, pedicure, or facial. Men can enjoy this too!
  • When you shop, eat before you leave home so you won’t resort to cookie breaks.
  • To satisfy your sweet tooth, set limits. For example, you might allow yourself two desserts per week at 250 calories each.
  • Just because it is the holidays doesn't mean you should give yourself the license to eat everything that passes by. Factor in the little extras into your daily intake.
  • Help out by saving fat and calories when it’s feasting time. Make or buy wild-rice stuffing, baked sweet potatoes, whole-grain rolls and angel-food cake with fruit.
  • If you are staying with family or friends ask them if you can have a space in the refrigerator and keep foods on hand to snack on like lean deli meats, cottage cheese, nonfat cheese sticks, etc.
  • If you tend to overeat during family gatherings, plan and visualize what and how much you will eat before you go.
  • If you want to really keep yourself honest (the same size) during the holiday season wear your most form-fitting blue jeans. Another trick is to tie a string or ribbon around your waist (under your shirt) that will not budge with the bulge.
  • If you are at the mercy of the dinner host, eat modest amounts of the foods offered and fill up on foods with more fiber and fewer calories. Make a small plate and skip the seconds.
  • Eat whatever you want on the main holiday feast. If you over do it just go back to your regular plan the next day.
  • Take a meditative moment at least 1 time ever day to breathe deeply, and clear your mind of all the clutter.
  • Enjoy the season, not just the food!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Another week...another loss!

Best Loser: LINDA L.!!!
Wise: Veggies
Unwise: Too Much Cheese

You must weigh in at least once in December

Mary Update:
If you would like to donate to the gas card fund to help Mary's family defer some of it's travel expenses, please bring your contribution next meeting.

Travel Gift Update:
Carol broke the curse of the travel gift and was handsomely rewarded!  Great job on a hard task!!!

Holiday Party:
This year's party will be held...
Thursday, December 8th at 6pm at
Grecian Gardens in Clifton Park

If you are purchasing any holiday gifts through the chapter, please consider doing so sooner rather than later as there is processing time associated with each gift.
Hoffman's Car Wash Coupons
Avon Products

Wii "Just Dance"
The pictures do the talking!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Way to go with a BIG loss!

Best Loser: MARCIA!!!
Wise: Water
Unwise: Ice Cream

KOPS Appreciation Night!
Each year we honor our KOPS for their inspiration to our members.

This year, Cindy celebrates her 13th year as a KOPS!!!

Annual Donation:
A donation will be made to our host, Schuyler Ridge.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

We are movin' right along!

Best Loser: GIGI!!!
Wise: Exercise
Unwise: Sweets

Last week's Best Loser...

Poker Contest:
Your first cards have been dealt,
try to hold 'em!
Reminder...No trading cards!

Holiday Calendar:
There will NOT be meetings or weigh-ins on the following dates:
   Nov. 24 (Thanksgiving)
   Dec. 22 and Dec. 29 (Christmas/New Years)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Due to bad weather (already!) the chapter only held a weigh-in.

If you were going to bring in a donation for the Jonesville food pantry, please bring it next week.

The poker competition will begin next week. If you wish to participate, the cost is $1.  A rules sheet will be passed out at the meeting.

The poll is open so take the survey.  Plus, view the results to see how you compare to your TOPS pals.

See you next week.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

We are movin' along!

Best Loser: Carol S.!!!
Wise: Veggie Soup
Unwise: Desserts

Travel Gift Update:
Carol L. got it.

Chinese Auction:
Joanna, Judy, Cindy and Linda
Date: November 10

Instead of our usual Halloween party, we have decided to each bring a food item to donate to the Jonesville food pantry.

Open Mic about the recent Fall Rally.
Thanks to Gigi, we won...

Most Inspirational Centerpiece
"Burn Calorie Burn!"
And thanks for the great headpieces!

People LOVED our cheer!

Besides the usual inspiration from the Before and After parade, most found the phrase:
"Living in the solution, not the problem" quite uplifting.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

We can do better!

Best Loser: CAROL!!!
Wise: Water
Unwise: Sugar, Salt, Soda

Fall Rally, Saturday, October 15
Saratoga Springs Holiday Inn
Here's our centerpiece:
Thanks Gigi!!!

Walking Update:
We made it to Milwaukee!
   We will continue...
   to the site of the 2012 IRD...
   San Diego, CA
   (Only about 2,100 miles to go!)

Open Mic
   We all shared a good moment 
   and also a moment when we struggled

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Away we go!  A GREAT LOSS!!!!

Best Loser: MARCIA!!!
Wise: Drinking water
Unwise: Ice cream

Halloween Announcement:
This year, instead of our traditional celebration, we will each bring a canned good to donate.

Walkout!  Amanda led us while we did a "Walkout" with Jane Fonda.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A wee tad of a gain.

Best Loser: CAROL S.!!!
Wise: Journaling
Unwise: Not enough exercise

Walking Update:
We have walked...
1172 Miles!!!

We chose our Fall Rally decorations
Our campfire centerpiece!  Each member will also have a matching name tag and headgear.

Each member attending Fall Rally is urged to bring a Thanksgiving themed item (food or not) next week to put in our basket that we will bring.

And Linda L. modeled some of her headgear!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Best Loser(s): PAT AND JANET!!!

The chapter discussed how we could enliven the chapter.

Fall Rally Update:
Suggested themes for our chapter were:
   Camp attire (jeans and plaid shirts)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Time to spice things up...
But the scales keep goin' DOWN!

Best Loser(s): CAROL AND JOANNA!!!

Wise: Walking and conscientious eating
Unwise: Potato chips and ice cream

Fall Rally Update:
October 15
Holiday Inn, Saratoga Springs

One of the things suggested at the recent inspiration workshop was reversing the order of your meetings. So this week we led off with the program!

Amanda summed up the inspiration workshop.

  • We each got two inspirational statements and discussion followed.
  • Members were asked to fill out questionnaires about what they think about the chapter, what needs changing and what they want out of it.  We will bring our suggestions back next week and see what folks think.

Your Vision for Our Chapter

Jeanne Crandall, Area Coordinator, challenged us to find ways to enliven our chapters.  Think of the following questions as starting points and bring your ideas to our next meeting.

1.  What are the chapter's strengths?

2.  What are the chapter's weaknesses?

3.  What changes in the chapter would help members?

4.  What part will you play in the journey to success? 

Wisdom to Apply to Weight Loss

At Inspiration Workshop, we discussed how inspirational quotes related to our personal weight loss journey.  For our Thursday meeting, we stole a page out of that play book and quotes from FitnessforWeightLoss.com.

“A strong positive attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.”  ~Patricia Neal

“You can’t do it all yourself. Don’t be afraid to rely on others to help you accomplish your goals.” ~Oprah Winfrey

“Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.”
~English Proverb

“Put all excuses aside and remember this: YOU are capable.”
~Zig Ziglar

“Opportunity may knock only once, but temptation leans on the doorbell.” ~Unknown

"The elevator to success is out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs…one step at a time.”  ~Joe Girard

“Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.”
~Henry Ford

“Stumbling is not falling.”  ~Portuguese Proverb

“You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless you change.”  ~Les Brown

“Stay committed to your decisions; but stay flexible in your approach.”  ~Tony Robbins

“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.”  ~Unknown

“I’ve been on a diet for two weeks and all I’ve lost is fourteen days.”  ~Totie Fields

“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”  ~Edward Stanley

“I tried every diet in the book. I tried some that weren’t in the book. I tried eating the book. It tasted better than most of the diets.” ~Dolly Parton

"Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental states.”  ~Carol Welch

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”  ~Larry Elder

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”  ~Jim Rohn

“Success is dependent upon the glands – sweat glands.”
~Zig Ziglar

“Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethargy, and fat.”  ~Jill Johnson

“If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the solution.”  ~Unknown

“I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I’m doing.”  ~Marsha Doble

“Another good reducing exercise consists in placing both hands against the table edge and pushing back.”  ~Robert Quillen

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” ~Albert Einstein

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.” ~Mike Murdock