Thursday, October 14, 2010

OH YEAH! The chapter had a great loss and we were close to an average loss of 2lbs per person. THAT'S AWESOME!!!

Best Loser: PAULETTE!!!
Wise: Exercise
Unwise: Pizza (That's a tough one!)

Best Loser of September:

It was decided that instead of doing our traditional Halloween party, we would create a basket to be given to Fall Rally for their drawings. So, please bring ONE item next week (October 21) to put in the Fall Rally basket. This item can be fall themed or a "healthy" non perishable food item or, as one member suggested, even lottery tickets.

Amanda gave us some examples of affirmations and asked us to write and share our own.
Members shared:
I will be more positive
Carpe Diem (seize the day)
I will plan to eat better

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Congrats to Paulette for being the Best Loser of the night, and congrats to Gigi for being the Best Loser for the month.