Friday, June 11, 2010 7:30pm

Friday evening's festivities included:

The Call to Post!
Joanna led the KOPS in the room in the KOPS Pledge!

And honored all the Officers!

Debbie Allen was the Mistress of Ceremonies

We said farewell to last year's King and Queen.

Paulette got a pin for losing at least 10 pounds in the last year!
More to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LUV IT...LUV IT...LUV IT.... I feel like I'm with you guy and gals at NYSRD 2010.

Thank YOU Mark and Amanda for your great contribution of this wonderful website for Y/OUR wonderful TOPS Chapter.

I'm notifying EV1 I can think of to check out y/our blogspot.

TOPS Luv 'n Hugz,