Thursday, November 5, 2009

It was the best of weeks...
It was the better of weeks...
because we had a LOSS!

Best Loser: Carol
Wise: Avoiding Cheating
Unwise: Excess Candy

Team Colors Update:
Green: 5.75 lbs
Blue: 2.75 lbs
Red: 1.5 lbs
So far we have lost 95.25 lbs!
Full totals on the right of the screen.

Congratulations to Paulette. She was September's Best Loser!

Barbara got a travel gift. Lucky her.

Wilma and friends presented us the sketch:
It was about making better choices when snacking

The Cast

Carol as: The Narrator

Mary as: The Snacker

Lorraine as: The Good Snacks

Linda as: The Bad Snacks

Wilma as: The Awful Snacks

Thanks to the Wilma Community Theatre
for their production!

Finally, Cindy and Joanna gave us tips
on how the eat healthy
when dining on fast food


Anonymous said...

Mark & Amanda,

U 2 make a great effort and get great results on the chapter's spot.

I know I [and ev1 else] enjoy checking it out every week.


Ann Chatterton said...

Hi friends
I apparently did not send my comments in correctly but have been blogging to you. I 've been to one neeting that was not going to work for me. You are a friendly, caring group and this just didn't happen here last week. I have faith and will try again this Friday a little farther away. Thanks Mark and Amanda for all this regular news and the pix.
I'm alittle lonesome but love the balmy nights when we go walking the dogs. Sticking to my program
and feeling proud.

have a kindly gentle holiday.

Best to you

Ann Chatterton