Thursday, March 26, 2009

This week was not as good as we would had hoped for. We had a little gain. BUT, Bonnie was our 'Best Loser' and told us to get back on the wagon. Good advise for all! She also said to stay away from those tempting Pepperidge Farm cookies.

Our Division Winners for 2008 were announced tonight!

Division 4 winner: Ann C. 15.5 pounds
(no picture available)

Division 3 winner: Linda K. 17.25 pounds

Division 3 2nd place: Judy J. 12.75 pounds
(no picture available)

Division 2 winner: Bonnie 24.50 pounds

Division 1 winner: Mark 45.75 pounds
Congratulations to all!

Tonight was also our Installation of Officers
(see our officers here)

Debbie Allen and visiting coordinator Sylvia inducted our new officers

Debbie's theme was "It's My Time"

Our new officers lit the candles of commitment

And Debbie serenaded our new officers!

Thanks Debbie and Sylvia for a wonderful program!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The chapter did a rare thing this week, it TURTLED! No loss or gain as a whole.

Our Best Loser was Barb who said to us that we should journal and avoid those sweets.

March 26 is officer installation. Our new Area Coordinator Debbie Allen will be here to install our officers.

A BIG TOPS welcome back to Wilma!

Remember to set your VCR or DVR for the Today show at 10am Monday March 23. A TOPS member will be a guest in the 10am hour.

A reminder from our treasurer...please pay your dues so we can close the books on 2008.

Bonnie presented us with some Diet Tips

Eat a rainbow of color (produce)
Don't miss regular meals
Sleep less=more snacking -so- sleep more=eating less
Fruit beats fruit juice
More fiber in fruit than juice
Give your stomach time to tell your brain you are full
Eat fresh
Get moving
Trust yourself (moderation)
Whole grains...become a fan
Learn the good fats
Watch out for empty calories
Soda, energy drinks are loaded with sugar

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The chapter had a tiny loss of 1/4 pound. BUT IT WAS STILL A LOSS!!!

Theresa R. led the way as out "Best Loser". She said to practice portion control and watch our fat intake.

The Best Loser for February was...
Linda K. with a 10.25 lb loss!!!

The chapter lost a whopping 41.75 pounds in February.

Theresa R. also did a program about Trans Fats. There followed a question and answer period and some discussion. Thanks Theresa!
There was a pothole on our road to success. Fortunately, it was a small one. Our 'Best Loser' Judy kept us goin' down that road with a solid loss. She reminded us to drink our water and don't ignore our portion sizes.

Our Treasurer Kim askes us to please stop putting Canadian coins in the cups in the weight room. The bank will not take them!

We held our officer elections this week and here are the winners! Thanks to those brave TOPS Pals who will take up the mantle of responsibility.

Leader: Joanna
Co-Leader: Dawn
Treasurer: Nellie
Secretary: Linda

Finally, we sang Happy Birthday to a very special TOPS member who keeps us on the straight and narrow.


Election of Officers

TOPS Pals,

Just a reminder about the upcoming elections. Here's a recent note from Marcia about their importance.

Hello ALL TOPS #NY785 Members,
Election of TOPS Chapter Officers - 1st meeting of March
PLEASE consider running for a Chapter Officer. WE don't want our chapter to Disband. We MUST have a Board of Officers in order to keep OUR chapter alive. IF you cannot make the first meeting of March and wish to run for an office - Please send this letter of intent, in writing and signed by you, to chapter that evening or prior. Give this to letter to one of the current officers. We do want/need to elect a full board ...... Leader, Co-Leader, Secretary and Treasurer [Weight Recorder and Assistants are appointed.] PLEASE take these responsibilities into consideration. You are not alone and we're all together to assist one another. Of course you will have officer training/guidance along the "weigh".

"It's My Time"

n' Hugz,Marcia