Greetings TOPS Pals:

With the Times Union discontinuing their free web page hosting, we decided to try the "blog" route. There were many free options out there for us, but most of them required us to have ads on our pages. Since TOPS is a non-profit organization, we were trying to keep free of this entanglement. We thought about paying for web site hosting, but we want to make sure that we maximize our $$$, so most of our budget is available for other worthwhile endeavors. Our answer...Blogger! This sight will enable us to continue keeping you updated on events and important chapter news.'s more interactive. You can post your comments for other members to see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mark and Amanda,

I knew "we" could count on YOUz to find a new site for OUR Chapter.

Terrific News !!

Luv 2 U 2,