Thursday, August 28

There was NO meeting or weigh-in this week due to the Labor Day holiday.

A reminder...
Please contact Dawn or Kim if you want to attend Fall Rally
(Saturday, October 25 in Saratoga Springs)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Best Loser: Wilma
Wise: Portion Control
Unwise: Sweets (Ice Cream)

AGAIN, the "Butterometer" goes DOWN!

September 11 is the next Chinese Auction
  • Barb, Linda K, Cindy and Judy

Joanna talked with us about:

  • BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Emotional Eating

Check out these helpful websites:

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Best Loser: Linda L. 1
Wise: Fiber
Unwise: Cheese

This week the "Butterometer" went DOWN!

Fall Rally will be October 25th at the Holiday Inn in Saratoga Springs.

Dawn Zipp provided our program:
  • Make a change in your life
  • She challenged us to "Make a Change"

See you "lighter" next week!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Best Loser: Lorraine P.
Wise: Exercise a lot
Unwise: Corn

This weeks "Butterometer" reading the RED!

  • Do you like walking? Join in the "Trek to IRD"
  • Nellie, Cindy and Joanna attended the KOPS luncheon and the New York State Queen spoke and they had a dance session!
  • Our friend Dee is moving, Linda will keep us updated and get us an address
  • Tonight's program was about:



KOPS are our inspiration!






SRD 2008


Greetings TOPS Pals:

With the Times Union discontinuing their free web page hosting, we decided to try the "blog" route. There were many free options out there for us, but most of them required us to have ads on our pages. Since TOPS is a non-profit organization, we were trying to keep free of this entanglement. We thought about paying for web site hosting, but we want to make sure that we maximize our $$$, so most of our budget is available for other worthwhile endeavors. Our answer...Blogger! This sight will enable us to continue keeping you updated on events and important chapter news.'s more interactive. You can post your comments for other members to see!


Schuyler Ridge Adult Day Care Center
1 Abele Boulevard
Clifton Park, NY 12065

Field Staff

TOPS Field Staff

Regional Director: Judy Pettit

Regional Director Administrative Assistant: Judy Johansen

Area Coordinator: Jeanne Crandall
Area Captain: Lucy Corlew