October 24, 2019

Best Loser: Carol L.
Wise: Drink your water
Unwise: Overdoing the Halloween candy

No meeting next week because of Halloween

The benefits of adult play

October 17, 2019

Best Loser: Sue
Wise: Being mindful
Unwise: Not drinking water

The chapter had a gain😒

💰Treasurer's Report💰
Our new Treasurers gave their first report
of our finances

Boscovs Fundraiser
We raised over $400 for our SRD fund!
Thanks to all who manned the table at Boscovs

Travel Gift Update
Carol L lost it, Mark got it

Part 2 of why changing eating habits is so hard

This Week's Affirmation

October 10, 2019

Best Loser: Carol L
Wise: Water
Unwise: Eating foolishly

The chapter had a good loss

Best Loser of September: Joyce

Contest Update:
Linda N won all the quarters! $$$

Important Announcement
No weigh-in or meeting on October 31st

Why changing eating habits is so hard?

October 3, 2019

Best Loser: Linda N
Wise: Water
Unwise: Sweets

Holiday Proof Your Diet

September 26, 2019

Best Loser: Linda N
Wise: Drink your water
Unwise: Don't eat out twice in one day

As a chapter, we can do better...

Travel Gift Update:
Pat got to open it!
Carol got the new one

Changing our food with the seasons
Your body wants different foods
at different times of the year

New Affirmation: