Thursday, July 7, 2016

Best Loser

Sandy P.

Wise: Avoided grocery store shopping

Unwise: Little exercise this week

Our meeting this evening covered the duties of each of the officers. This, as a prelude to chapter elections to be held at next weeks meeting.  In addition,  any member who was unable to attend tonight's meeting can refer to Tops Incorporated Rules in your chapter manual for a description of the duties of each office holder.

Travel gift was lost and Carol L. will attempt to claim its prize. Good Luck Carol!!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Best Loser                                                                                         Happy Birthday

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia
Marcia D.
It certainly was Marcia's night. Best Loser and her birthday to boot. Congrats times two.
Wise: Drink Water   Unwise: Pizza 

We were treated to a visit from our area coordinator/captain Trina S.  She presented a TOPS program "Lean on Me for Support" This targets one of the advantages of being a TOPS member. Each member has had their own battle with weight loss and can be empathetic to others. The key is the support we receive from each other.  

A big thank you to Trina for a informative presentation. Both Trina and her husband Phil are KOPS and their visit was enjoyed by all attendees.