Thursday, July 16, 2015

Best Loser

Janet K

Wise: Exercising

Unwise Eating off the plan

Topic tonight:

23  ?????

What does this have to do with TOPS members and their weight loss journey, you ask???

Well, The answer is: 23 weigh-ins until the end of 2015.

So, if at each weigh-in until December a member loses only 1/2 pound, the total weight loss would be 11 and 1/2 pounds.  Isn't that a wonderful way to start a new year? 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Best Loser:  Carol S.

Wise:  Exercising 

Unwise: MacDonald's French Fries

And the winners are:

We held our yearly elections and after a hard fought campaign, all four officers were unanimously re-elected for another year.   

Retaining the office of leader, Sandy P.
Retaining her office of co-leader, Shelley S.
Retaining the office of secretary, Linda L.
Retaining the office of treasurer, Janet K.    

Following the elections our topic of the evening: 
Diet Blunders: Common mistakes made by those who are trying to lose weight.  Some of these include eating salad (healthy) but heaping dressings, pasta and cheese (high fat) on top, skipping meals, and not reading or understanding nutrition labels. More information can be had at:    

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Best Loser                       Janet K
Wise: Stick to the plan  
Unwise: Not Exercising
And a Happy Birthday to Marcia D  
We sang very loudly  Did You Hear it??????????
Our agenda this evening revolved around the rules and regulations regarding the upcoming Election of Officers on July 9, 2015
Sandy updated us on the new rule regarding length of  term for the leader position (2Years)
She also went over the duties of each officer and the respective responsibilities of their offices.