Weight Recorder Challenge

Marcia has a different kind of challenge for the month of June.

I'm going to give awards out for any and everyone that can Call A "NEW to YOU"  on the telephone TOPS Pal and chat for a bit.  FOUR times this month.  NOT someone you regularly talk
with on the telephone.  Let me know who you've talked to on the Telephone.  You know that
old device we used before Computers, E-mail, Texting, Ipods, Epods, ETC. and whatever else is
out there that I have NO idea how to use.   [Personally I would like to learn]  I may be asking some tough questions about your chat so keep on your TOPS award game.
In Addition to that "PLUS"+ You must ALSO LOSE a NET weight of at least
ONE Pound this month.  As we say in TOPS "that's four sticks of Butter".
SO-o-o  chat with one new to you TOPS Pal a week and lose a quarter of a pound
a week [or more] too.  I know you can ALL achieve this month's award...
Success be Yours and TOPS Hugz,

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Leader's Challenge:
Michael has made a summer long challenge to the chapter.