Thursday, October 25, 2012

Well...we can and WILL do better!

Best Loser: CAROL!!!
Wise: Veggies
Unwise: Cheating on Thursday

Best Loser for September: PAULETTE!!!

Guided Imagery Meditation
From Belleruth Naparstek
This CD is now available in our TOPS Library

Thursday, October 18, 2012

We are movin' in the right direction!

Best Loser: SHELLEY!!!
Wise: Sugar Free Desserts
Unwise: Pizza

Welcome Visitor:
Ramona from Arizona

Travel Gift Update:
Linda got to open hers.
Paulette gets it!

TOPS 785 Fundraisers:
Just a reminder as the holidays approach...
Hoffmans (we get 50% of the proceeds)
Boscov's (we get 10%)

Inspiration Workshop:
Saturday Oct. 21
Ft. Edward Rescue Squad
75 Schuyler St. (map)
$4.50 at the door.

SRD 2013:
May 31-June 2
Honor's Haven (

Million Pound Pledge:
TOPS in involved in a million pound pledge.
They as that everyone attempt to have a loss for this past year.

The Exchange System
TOPS is currently reorganizing the program.
Follow the link below to some helpful info.
Here's a food diary to help you get started.