Thursday, August 19, 2010

O.K. Not much to be said here. Let's get it together.

Best Loser: SHARON
Wise: Walking
Unwise: Carbs

Best Loser of July:

So Long For Now:
Nellie moves to Florida. Thank you for all your hard work for this chapter!

Travel Gift Update:
Mark lost his
Mother Superior Mary got one

Chinese Auction:
Next set of volunteers:
Janet, Paulette, Cindy and Carol

Hot Potato!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Well...we will do better next week!

Best Loser: JANET
Wise: Portion Control
Unwise: Birthday Overindulgence

Chinese Auction:
Postponed until next week

Travel Gift Update:
Bonnie opened her gift
Sharon and Mark got gifts

Joanna asked..."What do I need to change to make my goal?"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Another good loss by the chapter!

Best Loser: WILMA (again)
Wise: Exercise
Unwise: Ice cream

Joanna issued a challenge to the chapter, lose 10 lbs in total by next week!

New Member:

Chinese Auction:
Next week: Amanda, Bonnie, Lorraine and Barbara

Managing temptations and cravings
"Plan to banish your favorite food & you're planning to fail"